Hello Dolly Plug-In. Instead of seeing a random lyric from Hello, Dolly in the upper right of your admin screen on every page, you'll get one of Brain's words from Pinky and the Brain. Author: Marjorie Johns Version: 1.0 Author URI: http://marjorie.citizencaine.org/ */ // These are the words to ramdomalise, as Homer Simpson might say $bigwords = "Aerophobia - fear of air Affinal - related by marriage Anophelosis - morbid state due to extreme frustration Anterior nares - your nostrils Appersonation - believing that one is a famous person Azygous - appearing as one single being or part Barophobia - fear of gravity Basilic - royal or kingly Bleb - small gathering of fluid under the skin Blue nevus - a steel blue skin lump Bolus - chewed up lumps of food Buccal - the inside of your cheek Calor - body heat Capitose - having a large head Caruncle - small piece of bulging flesh Caseation - dead tissue that looks like crumbly cheese Congaudence - a celebrating or rejoicing together Contesserate - allied in friendship Cynanthropy - disorder where sufferer imagines he's a dog Empleomania - obsession with holding public office Enatic - related to on the mother's side Entropion - an eyelid turned in towards the eye Enucleation - removal of an organ in one piece Epimyth - the moral of a story Epistaxis - a nose bleed Epulis - a tumor or growth on the gums Erythrocyte - a red blood cell Exophagy - cannibalism outside the tribe Fasciculus - small bundle of muscles, tendons, or nerve fibers Flexanimous - able to change others' minds Floccinaucinihilipilification - categorizing something as worthless trivia Formication - the feeling that ants are crawling on you Fuliginous - smoky or sooty place Genu - any body structure that's shaped like the knee Gharnao - a raft made of inverted ceramic pots Ghost Teeth - lack of the teeth's outer layers Groaking - staring at someone eating in hopes they'll give you something Hamartia - the classic tragic flaw Helminthiasis - disease caused by worms invading the body Hircismus - stinky armpits Honorificabilitudinitatibus - with honorableness Humdudgeon - imagining pain or ailment Hypesthesia - abnormally low sense of feeling Ideophobia - fear of ideas Introjection - building someone elses qualities into your ego Linonophobia - fear of string Morology - the study of foolish and nonsensical talking Myomancy - divination by movements of mice Mythophobia - fear of stories Omphaloskepsis - contemplating one's navel Oobar - a dry fog of the upper Nile Otacust - a spy Ototoxic - having a bad effect on hearing organs Palinoia - compulsive repetition of an act until perfect Panphobia - fear of everything Periculant - being in danger Peritoneum - the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity Persiflage - insignificant babble Phronemophobia - fear of thinking Post-prandial - following a meal Psaphonic - planning one's rise to fame Pternophobia - fear of feathers Quercetin - a yellow dye found in lemons Refacillate - to refresh or revive Sagittal suture - jagged line on the top of your skull Schadenfreude - joy at the misfortune of others Sinciput - the forehead Sparganosis - infection from larvae of the fish tapeworm Spheropygian - having full and rounded buttocks Spizzerinctum - the will to succeed Trichotillomania - abnormal urge to pull out one's hair Ultracrepidarianism - giving opinions outside of one's knowledge Unasinous - equally stupid Viraginity - female masculinity Yerk - to beat someone vigorously Zumbooruk - A small cannon fired from the back of a camel"; // Here we split it into lines $bigwords = explode("\n", $bigwords); // And then randomly choose a line $chosen = wptexturize( $bigwords[ mt_rand(0, count($bigwords) - 1) ] ); // This just echoes the chosen line, we'll position it later function hello_nurse() { global $chosen; echo "


"; } // Now we set that function up to execute when the admin_footer action is called add_action('admin_footer', 'hello_nurse'); // We need some CSS to position the paragraph function patb_css() { echo " "; } add_action('admin_head', 'patb_css'); ?>